When it comes to marketing, you have to constantly be fired up.
You have to be motivated. You have to keep the fire burning. You have to stay passionate about your business and also inspire your team to keep moving forward.
I believe that marketing, sales and customer care are the foundation pillar of every business. And if you do well in these three areas, you cannot but to excel in generating cash flow for your business.
So I thought to blow your mind with some money making marketing quotes from Don Sexton to keep you fired up to achieve your sales and profitability goals for business this week.
Don Sexton is a the founder and president of The Arrow Group Ltd, a firm that provides consulting and training services in the areas on marketing, sales and brand management. He is also a professor in business at Columbia University. He is the author of the amazing book, Marketing 101.
So let’s look at the following marketing quotes from Don Sexton
- “Marketing is first about strategy and then about tactics”—Don Sexton
- “If the strategy is wrong—wrong target market, wrong positioning, and the wrong target competitor—then it really does not make much difference how great the advertising, or selling or distribution or pricing is, the product or service will eventually fail.”— Don Sexton.
- “If the product is poor, great advertising will cause it to fail even faster—as more people are persuaded to use it, more people would find out that they don’t like it.”-Don Sexton
- “Marketing is managing perceived value. To manage perceived value, you must understand your competitive environment, target markets, position products and services, build strong brands, satisfy customers, set price, develop advertising, organize sales efforts, arrange distribution, forecast results and motivate your people—and do all those things extremely well.”—Don Sexton.
- “Many small businesses don’t think about marketing. They do not target their efforts to specific customers or position their services on specific benefits. They simply open their doors and hope for the best.”—Don Sexton.
- “Any business can be special to its customers. A dry cleaner can be known for its ability to remove any strain. A mom-and-pop food store can be known for stocking healthy foods. An auto repair store can be known for finished work when promised. A hardware store can be known for providing do-it-yourself advice.”—Don Sexton.
- “Marketing is about people. It is about understanding what people want, then trying to give them at a price they are willing to pay and a price that will provide you with an acceptable profit.”—Don Sexton.
- “Marketing is about positioning. It is about designing a product or service that has benefits that people want and can’t get elsewhere then building your reputation—brand—based on those things that you do well.”—Don Sexton.
- “Many large and famous failures in business were failures in marketing. The Edsel was a car with a styling no one wanted.”—Don Sexton
- “Perceived value is not what you charge—it is the ceiling on the price you can charge. It is the maximum a customer or prospective customer will pay for your products or service.”—Don Sexton.
Share your comments about the above marketing quotes from Don Sexton below. Which quote inspires you the most
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