Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

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We live in a world of fascinations, achievements, impressions, and inspirations. So, we process a lot of information and suggestions every day. Because of this, consumers are lured by how goods and services are presented to them. Their purchasing decision majorly relies on the kind of marketing technique and social media marketing strategy that companies indulge in.

SMEs are getting a lot of attention in the crowded digital market, so just being in the right place and at the right time is not enough to reach the ideal customer.

It has been estimated that 82% of all Internet traffic will be for videos.

People are spending so much time on their smartphones watching videos in their spare time, whether on YouTube or social media channels, gaining knowledge and enjoying the learning and entertainment they get from videos. Businesses should thus make the most of this opportunity and dive deeper into the realm of video marketing.

Why and How to Make a Video for Your Small Business? 

Video Marketing Insights | Innovative Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses
Video Marketing Insights | Innovative Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

Marketing agencies don’t need to make massive investments when doing video marketing. Whether you’re a video genius or not, you have enough access on the web to create, edit and upload beautiful videos that can express your video creation. So, it’s not an impossible dream to grow your business with video.

Moreover, the popularity of video marketing is growing incessantly:

  • 68% of marketers claim that videos generate better returns.
  • 60% of companies are currently using video marketing.
  • 86% of marketers consider video to be a crucial and indispensable part of their marketing strategy.

Customers want to see the actual aspects of the product, the team, the goals, and the actual feedback from satisfied customers. Essentially, they want a video.

Some of the Best Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

1.  Hone in and focus on your target audience

Target Audience | Innovative Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

Imagine getting your customers’ attention from the first few seconds by creating a video about your business. You must make shorter videos as longer ones can drive your traffic away. Besides that, you can do the following:

  • Add real-life examples to show individual approaches to solving a particular problem. Make customers think that every customer is unique.
  • Add introductions to highlight customer needs and tell your target audience about yourself. This builds trust and encourages engagement.
  • Tell a unique story about your company. Explain why your company exists and talk about your passionate ideas.
  • Place the video on the landing page to involve more visitors in your story.
  • Make the video as prominent as possible on your website so that more people will engage with it.
  • Improve your presentation skills as people are more interested in knowing how you display or talk about your business. You can learn how to express your ideas more clearly by working on gestures, facial expressions, and the ability to speak fluent words.
  • Show expertise as the new entrants and existing consumers want to choose a brand that is an industry expert. Convince them that your company offers quality service.
  • Create a video to showcase your skills. Small businesses can easily focus on a particular area, while large companies can specialize in various services.
  • If your product is ready to use, display USPs to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

2. Record customer feedback

Get Customer Feedback | Innovative Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

People generally go by the experience of others and trust their positive or negative feedback about a product or a brand. This serves as social proof that enhances customer retention, so be sure to record your customer’s opinions. You can interview happy customers and create a brief introductory video.

You can save time by using small business video templates and create headlines to organically share customer feedback between other posts. In addition to filming each customer, you can create a section on the landing page to display positive feedback stats, up-to-date customer impressions, scales where people can rate your work, and a quick survey in exchange for offers.

3. Create a product tutorial or demonstration

Tutorial & Product Demo Videos | Innovative Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses
Tutorial & Product Demo Videos | Innovative Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

Video is one of the most effective ways of learning and teaching, as people are known to retain 95% of what they see rather than what they hear.

Create a short tutorial video to make your product user-friendly and talk about what it does, why it will be useful for the consumers, common issues people can face using the product, apt resolutions, etc.

Don’t forget to add a CTA at the end so that people know whom to contact or where to go after they are done watching your video. Your CTA should lead them to your website.

4. Stream LIVE videos

Do Live Videos | Innovative Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses
Do Live Videos | Innovative Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

To better engage and interact with your audience, you must maintain an emotional connection with them. Communication is the key:

  • Live stream on social media; be natural, as a person-to-person connection breaks down the barrier between your business and your target audience.
  • Show your ability to answer questions, share experiences, and solve personal problems quickly.
  • Live stream special announcements, new discounts, offers, and product launches.
  • You can also use a live video hosted by a blogger or partner. Invite new experts to the stream and lead the conversation.
  • Share the process behind the scenes. Show the difficulties you encounter in doing business. Honesty always gets people’s attention.
  • Create a short live video revealing a day in the life of different employees.

5. Answer FAQs

FAQ Videos | Innovative Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses
FAQ Videos | Innovative Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

A short video that educates the audience with the apt knowledge, learning, and resolution to problems, is the perfect way of marketing your business.

People may have frequently asked questions about your brand or products. You must cover these and elaborately express answers using videos.

Publish the video on your landing page to respond to your customers’ interests. Furthermore, if you share a video of frequently asked questions with your customers by email, they will be delighted to find you interested in helping them.

BONUS: Common Business Video Marketing Tips

Getting Started with Video Marketing | Innovative Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses
Getting Started with Video Marketing | Innovative Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses
  1. Embed videos on your website. Integrating videos into your website is useful for those trying to find it. Also, the higher the page engagement, the better the SEO.
  2. Use videos to highlight recent sales and reuse basic videos across platforms.
  3. Use stylized and intuitive templates to scale new video shorts and ads.
  4. Use video in email marketing to increase your CTR. You can also embed videos and GIFs in your email using tools to convert leads.
  5. Share teasers on socials. You can cut the explainers and introductory videos into second-length ads and share them.


Video marketing is one of the most sought-after digital marketing techniques to reach a diverse audience in the shortest time possible.

The biggest advantage of video marketing for small businesses is the tools that are easy to use and manage. It doesn’t take a million dollars to create high-quality video content.

All you need is a simple camera, easy-to-learn editing skills, and some creativity to make your brand a popular name. Don’t hesitate to rely on video marketing, and be patient. The results will surely flow in.