When you get it right in marketing, you’ll get it right in getting good customers and growing your business. Marketing is the foundation of business success. When you succeed in marketing, you succeed in getting the right customers and making money!
The problem with many small-and-medium sized businesses is that they don’t think about marketing. So they don’t ask marketing questions that generate piercing and thought provoking insights into the dynamics of their target market.
The bottom line is that if you market your business well, you’ll get the right customers.
In Jim Collins book, Good to Great, he mentioned that the foundation for many business insights and success is “leading with questions—not answers.” That means asking the right questions to get the right answers to deal with business challenges.
You see, is not just asking marketing questions, but asking the right marketing questions which provide the right answers to the challenges confronting the business.
If you are looking to grow and expand your business, here are the top 5 marketing questions you must ask yourself right now and as long as you want your business to be successful in your industry.
- Am I targeting, attracting and focusing on the right customers?
You can’t serve everybody.
You can’t be everything to all people. So you have to ask yourself whether you’re targeting, attracting and focusing on the right customers. Define your target customers and focus on attracting them.
You have to focus all your energy on attracting and converting a specific segment of your market and provide those products and services that best fit their needs.
Ideally marketing is all about identifying a specific group of people, knowing their needs and then creating a product or service that satisfies their need at a price they are willing to pay for which also generates decent profit for the business.
Don Sexton, author of Marketing 101 noted, “Many small businesses don’t think about marketing. They don’t target their efforts to specific customers or position their services on specific benefits. They simply open their doors and hope for the best.”
Notice the keywords: specific customers with specific benefits. That’s all that marketing is about—targeting specific markets with specific benefits and using specific messages and mediums to communicate to them.
- What do my customers want from my products and services?
Once you know your target market, the next marketing question you must ask yourself is, “What do my customers want from my products and services?”
The problem with many businesses is that they focus on selling commodities instead of focusing on selling solutions to solve their customer’s problems. They just sell instead of being emotionally and deeply passionate about filling and satisfying the deep seated emotional values of their customers.
Customers can be like women.
The more you care for them, the more they submit to you and love you. To care for them—you must focus on satisfying their deep seated emotional needs. Once you get to their heart, they’ll also get to your heart! Your business will literally become a love affair between you and your customers!
So find out exactly what your customers want from your products and services. Then design your products and services to provide what they want and even exceed their expectations! When you focus on exceeding their expectations any time, pretty soon you’ll become special in the sight of your customers.
- What unique and special benefits do I offer my customers that they can’t get anywhere?
This is a fundamental marketing question all businesses must ask before investing in product development and sales promotion: What unique and special benefits do I offer my customers that they can’t get anywhere?
There’s a lot of competition and noise in every industry. So you must design and redesign your business—products and services— to be known for something special that your customers can’t get anywhere.
The questions you need to ask yourself are:
- What makes my business special to my customers, employees, partners and the general public?
- What does your business stand for?
- What is my business known for?
- What is the core value of your business?
If you target the right customers and then provide them unique benefits that they cannot get anywhere, then you’ll become special to your customers. You’ll be known for something special in your industry.
Your products and services are the extension of your business.
You build your brand by providing the best products and services that your customers can’t get elsewhere. As Donald Trump, founder of Trump Organization said, “Your brand is your reputation—and comes from the strength of your products over time.”
Here at Think Expand, our focus is to help businesses, organizations and institutions maximize digital technology for business development.
We do this by trying our best to do these three things very well:
- Designing websites with business blogging functionality for digital marketing purposes.
- Creating high value contents that generate and promote profitable business actions.
- Using digital marketing tools to promote contents to a much broader audience for business promotion and client conversions.
Do you have some questions and comments on your mind? Share them below.
Anyway, if you need assistance to develop a marketing plan, create a website, create web contents, social media marketing, blogging marketing and email marketing for your business don’t forget our address.
You can also check our catalogue of content writing services below.
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